Being First is Vastly Overrated

It’s often great to be first! But not so much when it comes to innovation. The iPod, Google, and Facebook are all currently leaders in their domains. Can you remember a time before these giants? Can you remember what came long before them? Or who was first? Check your knowledge below.


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If innovation is not about being first, what is it about then?


It’s about being early and being really good. If you’re looking to develop a new product or service, don’t be put off by “XYZ has already done this.” Rather, ask yourself, “Have they done it really well and captured a large chunk of potential customers?” If not, you might be onto something. . . .

When you look at the companies in the quiz that were first, you’ll notice that they have all disappeared. Does that mean that it’s extra risky to be first? Not necessarily! There are many examples where the first to launch was successful with their products. Well-known examples are Coca-Cola soft drinks, Gillette safety razors, Sony personal stereos, and Hoover vacuum cleaners. We just didn’t choose those for the quiz so that we put “being first” in the right place. What is important is not whether your innovation come first, second, or later. What is important is that your idea is able to ignite the imagination and lives of others.

Ignite the imagination and lives of others.



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