First, throw something out…

Very early in my professional career, an executive shared his key leadership (and innovation) lesson with me. It fits well with the season because it offers an explanation (and possible antidote) for why New Year’s resolutions don’t always make it far into the year.

Very often, resolutions add to what we’re already doing. Yet we’re already so busy and overscheduled and our minds full to the brim. We just can’t take it all on.

So, instead of adding something, consider taking something out. Our calendars fill themselves without much effort from us; it doesn’t take anything to add to what we’re doing. Here’s the lesson from the executive: Every morning, he would spend the first minutes of his day deciding what he would not continue to do any longer. Maybe it was a he would throw out, one (or more) email that would simply be deleted without getting answered, a meeting removed from his calendar, or something else he would stop doing. Every day, he spent the first few minutes deciding what he wouldn’t do any longer. (By the way, these items were not delegated or put into a tickler system for later reconsideration. They were really gone.) This way, there was enough time and space to start something new. His key lesson: First, create time and space. Then use it for the path into the future.

The items that I parted with to start off the new year were many, many old clothes. It created time (no more thinking, “When will I sort through them?”); space, in the literal sense; and – as an unexpected side effect –excitement as I pondered how I would fill that space. So, what are you willing to give up (or have given up already)?

Make it real

Step 1: Take the time – regularly – to get rid of something. Stop doing something. Throw it out (and don’t recycle it later). Create the space in your calendar and life to be open for something new. Decide on something you will drop right now, before you continue reading.

Step 2: Decide on the vision of your future and take action (and use the newly gained time) to get there. Don’t overthink it. Take one action right now. Don’t put it off.

To bring new solutions and innovations to fruition, we need the space and time for it and must take action to get to our desired future.

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