A Crucial Misconception about Risk-Taking

We often hear about the importance of taking risks.

Unfortunately, a common misconception about risk is in our way. Risk-taking is frequently misunderstood.

Risk-taking is NOT about doing something scary, dangerous, big, bold or heroic.

Yes, a risk can be all of this – but it does not have to be. And many of the benefits of taking risk don’t come any of this.

Risk-taking simply means to do something where we don’t know what comes next. We don’t know how someone reacts, what others may think or what follows next.

Taking a risk takes us out of the realm of the known into the realm of the unknown.

It’s not predictable.

(And yes, that can feel scary.)

An important aspect of risk-taking is that it gets us to think on our feet, it forces us to improvise, it keeps our minds open.

Taking a risk is a great way to break through habits, open new possibilities and make us grow.

Take the next step

Pay attention to situations where you have a good sense of how someone reacts or responds to what you say or do.

Those situations are great opportunities for risk-taking. Do or say something different and unexpected. Pay attention to what comes next, and enjoy the unknown response.

Practice getting comfortable with not knowing what’s next.

Take more risks!



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