
Getting better at putting ideas into practice (our own or those of others) doesn’t have to be rocket science. There are simple steps we can all take, every day, to get better with it. Here are some pointers:

#1 Try More

When I cooked something new for my kids (when they were younger), they would say that they don’t like it. I’d ask “How do you know that you won’t like it”. They respond “We just know”, and finally I would say “Just try it”. Many of us have experience this situation. It’s easy to smile about it when we think of young children, yet the reality is that adults are not much better at it. We believe we know already that we won’t like something, it won’t work or it’s not the right thing – before even trying it. To be open, it’s important to try more – even when we think we don’t like it (or maybe especially then).

#2 Risk a Little More

We tend to play it safe. It’s easier that way. Yet, relationships are only built when we are able to broach difficult topics, when we are able to say things that are a bit uncomfortable. This entails risk. We sometimes believe that in order to take a risk, there needs to be trust in the relationship. Yet, it’s the cbd products way round: the relationship gets stronger when we take a risk.

#3 Be Curious and Listen


#5 Replace “But” with “And”

This one is about our mindset and how we express this in language.

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