The Misnomer of “Social Distancing”

Stop calling it “social distancing”. This is completely wrong.

What we’re doing is “spatial distancing”. We actually increase social connection and social solidarity.

Last week, someone in my neighborhood sent out an offer via our listserv to go shopping and run urgent errands for folks who are at risk. Within minutes other neighbors offered their help as well.

Yesterday, a parent asked everyone in the neighborhood to put images of rainbows in the windows, so that the kids can go on a rainbow hunt. (Look it up. It’s an idea for kids’ entertainment in these times). Today, so many of us have rainbows in the windows.

Relatives and friends are telling me similar stories. People are reaching out to strangers and offer their help.

This never happened before. We’re getting socially closer.

Don’t call it social distancing. Call it spatial or physical distancing.

And please, for your own mental health and the well-being of your loved ones, use the time to engage in a lot of “distance socializing”.

Please let me know what you’re doing to engage socially and deal with the situation. Knowing this community, you’ll be doing some creative things…

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