As we focus on technology, systems, and processes, it’s easy to lose sight of the human side of innovation. In this keynote, we explore the five human skills that drive innovation. Participants will learn how to boost innovation – by themselves or in their teams – by making simple, yet profound, tweaks in their behavior. They will leave with a ready-to-use toolkit that will increase their score on all five innovation skills.
As attendees learn to use the innovation toolkit, they become better and more courageous at coming up with good ideas and executing them. They will also learn how to help others tap into their creative potential. This increases the value of everything we do for the future (aka the innovation pipeline), in terms of products, process changes, and the way we lead. As an important side effect, since employees unleash more of their creative potential at work, their engagement will increase.
This is a cool, fun, and memorable “Aha!” experience that lasts.
The objectives for this program are:
Learn small habitual steps that lead to massive creativity and innovation
Understand the Human Elements: the five skills that drive innovation
Determine your score on the five skill areas and define steps to get better in each area
Realize that innovation is everyone’s business and not just for the researchers or core innovation teams
Experience the value of your unique contribution towards innovation
Get more deliberate about risk-taking – and more successful at leveraging risk the right risks
Practice masterful pitching of ideas and communication
Explore new collaborations that open up new outcomes
Understand how to create a work dynamic that unleashes everyone’s potential
More Influence and Impact: achieve results that previously seemed out of reach
Higher Team Motivation: more ideas are generated and turned into actions that respond to challenges and change
Increased Ability to Develop and Execute a Strategy: draw from an extended tool kit as you plan and implement your strategy
More Effective Communication: master story-telling, dissatisfaction layering and micro-engagement to win over any audience and conversation partner